Mad Mountain Dean Calls Republicans ‘Evil'

At a recent screamfest Howard Dean said he hated Republicans and thought they were 'evil'. Dean has been putting his foot in it lately, making racist statements about blacks; implying that women are stupid and can't make their own decisions regarding abortion; and now calling Republicans 'evil'. When is this idiot going to learn to keep his big mouth shut.
Also, why is it okay for Dean to call people (in this case his fellow Americans) evil, but it isn't okay for the President to do the same even though the President uses the word in it's proper context - to describe what's really evil - the terrorists? Unfortunately, Dean is too shortsighted to realize that no matter what our political affiliation we are all Americans. Insulting and alienating half of the country is counter productive and won't win anyone to the Democratic side.
Dean's comments are further proof that the Democrats once again have their priorities, morals, and values mixed up and are totally out of touch with ordinary Americans.
So Mad Mountain Dean, your fellow Americans are evil but the terrorists aren't???
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