Wednesday, January 02, 2008

News Updates Since Last Posting

It's been some time since I last posted on this site. Lots of news has been happening. As per my last post Lewis 'Scooter' Libby had been convicted for obstruction of justice but his sentence has since been commuted by President Bush. He is expected to be completely pardoned by Bush before he leaves office.

Presently, the presidential primaries are taking place in New Hampshire, Iowa and other states. The three Democratic candidates are Hillary Clinton, Barak Obamma, and John Edwards. They are practically neck and neck, though Hillary has a double digit lead nationally.
Amongst the Republican candidates are Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney. John McCain and Mike Huckabee have come out ahead; Huckabee for the religious right, but has since been losing steam since statements he recently made show that he has no international experience, and has also been shown to be a weak former governor who is somewhat of a political huckster. Funny, Huckabee was a former governor of Arkansas same as Bill Clinton. What is it about that state and political hucksterism???
John McCain has become a surprising front runner in the wake of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, former Pakistan Prime Minister, who returned to Pakistan after eight years of exile to re-run for Prime Minister. Al Qaeda has since taken responsibility for the assassination. Speculation for McCain’s rise in the polls has been attributed to his view on national security and his experience in foreign affairs.
Mitt Romney is neck and neck with Huckabee but between his religion and his flip flopping is not fully trusted by the American people.
For all intent and purposes, and we still aren’t really sure what that is, Rudy Giuliani has been pretty much MIA. Talking heads have been speculating that he’s waiting for the Florida primaries before fully diving in. If that’s the case it’s pretty stupid since that’s a lot of missed opportunities and a giant leap of faith that that’s all he’ll need to win. I’m beginning to wonder if Rudy really wants to become president or is he going to make another excuse to get out of the race as he did to get out of the New York State Senate race against Hillary Clinton. You can say I have a devious mind, but for some reason I don’t trust that Giuliani is 100% for the Republican party and might be part of a conspiracy to get Hillary elected – as he seems to have done for her Senate race.
As usual, there is unrest and bombings throughout the world, but Iraq, which the Democrats had called a quagmire, has turned around considerably since General Petraeus has taken over command of the armed forces and more troops were deployed (the surge) to quell the unrest and deal with the terrorists infiltrators in that country.
There is much, much more that has happened but since I am essentially reporting old news I leave it up to you, the reader, to do your own researching.

Friday, October 28, 2005

The 'Vast Left Wing Conspiracy'

I titled this posting after Hillary's infamous quote that it was a "vast right wing conspiracy' out to get her husband throughout his presidency. In the case of the current situation in the Republican camp there is a real left wing conspiracy going on - and it's lethal. The liberals are trying to cut off the heads of the leaders of the Republican party, a tactic they apparently learned from our soldiers liberating Iraq, (though they prefer to call what our troops did as invading). Cut off the heads of the leadership and you control the country - and the liberals say there was no good reason for going to war with Iraq – at least they learned something! In the hot seat Tom Delay, Bill Frisk, and now Louis Libby with bigger fish in their sights - particularly the President. After all, they have to get back at the person who bloody their nose during the last election. Involved in the conspiracy are the usual suspects, including Ted (Burp) Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Chucky (Cheesy) Schummer, ect.,and, surprise, surprise, the major (minor) networks. The major networks are so rabid they even eliminated an hour and a half of their regular network programming to show the indictment of Louis Libby – something their not apt to do even for a Presidential address from this administration.

NBCs Brian Wilson called Libby's indictment a ‘tour de force’ by Prosecutor Fitzgerald. David Gergen, former presidential counselor, political analyst and paid commentator said it was an ‘impressive performance by the prosecutor’. Gergin's right, it was a performance. Fitzgerald was clearly grandstanding and relishing being in the spotlight. Fitzgerald didn't just indict Louis Libby, he convicted the man on national television. And Chris Matthews was his usual bloated screaming egocentric self, accepting Joe Wilsons side of the story as God given truth while trying to convince his audience to convict Louis Libby in the court of public opinion. Visibly absent from all of this is one of the original idiots who published Valerie Plames name – Robert Novak. (Hey, that rhymes. Plames name will burn in the flames - where it should). In an effort to get tighter up the assholes of the libs Novak got suffocated a few weeks ago. Despite this there’s plenty of gloating to go around from the left. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the left's gloating theory of a right wing conspiracy to go to war. The problem:

Joe Wilson is a LIAR! He lied about who sent him to Niger (claiming it was the Vice President who recommended him to the CIA to go to Niger in the hope that it would give him some legitimacy - even though he had none as an inspector,) and he lied about what he found out in Niger (that Sadam did send emissaries to Niger to try and purchase yellow cake as the governments of Niger and Great Britain still attest). Joe Wilson lying about who got him the job has the moral equivalence of a civilian putting on a uniform and claiming to be in the military.
Joe Wilson did all this in an effort to undermine this administration and help the left wing conspiracy try to get the Dimwits back in power and to delegitimize the war effort. It doesn’t seem to occur or matter to the America bashing left that in the process of lying about the actual findings of Iraq’s intent for going to Niger Joe Wilson put America’s national security at risk. So much for the claim that Wilson is a ‘respectable public servant’.

Mandy Grumwald worked for the rapist Bill Clinton, and now for his useless wife, Hillary, and she happens to be married to the man who first reported the lies of Joe Wilson, Matt Cooper. I know the media and liberal assholes like to think the general public is stupid, and to a degree they're right. Liberal bullshit policies and deliberate misinformation in public schools have dumb down more Americans than Stalin could ever hope to achieve. But already people are talking about the Cooper/Grumwald connection to the Clintons, and what they are saying is that the Clintons are behind this. And in the end, I'm sure the American people will be right. Hillary can flush her presidential ambitions down the toilet!

I know it never occurred to short sighted liberals, that we had to get a foothold in the Middle East - or haven't they heard lately the insane rantings coming out of the Demons with nuclear ambitions in Iran. That's not something that can be addressed as easily as launching a missile at an empty tent in the desert - as how Clinton addressed terrorism.

But even Clinton talked about disarming Iraq of its WMDs though to hear the conveniently forgetting selective memory of the left, Clinton never said that. Fortunately, there is plenty of video and audio tape saved for posterity to prove that he did. To quote the nephew of the drunken murderer, Ted Kennedy, "If Sadam didn't have WMDs then where did he get the WMDs to poison his own people?" Even Ted (Burp) Kennedy's nephew has more sense than his uncle or the rest of the imbecilic irrational left.

In the end I’m sure Louis Libby will be vindicated and Joe Wilson will be seen then as he is now – as a very small sad vindictive and jealous man.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Charles and Camilla Plan Trip to White House

Next week Prince Charles and Camilla Parker ‘Balls' will visit the President and First Lady at the White House. For some reason every time I see the infamous Camilla Parker ‘Balls' I keep getting a nagging feeling that she reminds me of someone. It finally came to me today - Jack Lemon impersonating a woman in ‘Some Like It Hot'. They look exactly the same except Jack Lemon makes a prettier woman, don't you think?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Protesting Vietnam All Over Again

Am I mistaken or did Cindy Sheehan's son enlist in the military not once but twice? Why doesn't anyone bring up this fact - and keep bringing up this fact??? Shouldn't that fact be enough to silence the critics of this administration and of President Bush in particular. Because, isn't that really what this protest is all about. It's not a protest against the war but a protest against President Bush. And isn't Cindy Sheehan just using the memory of her dead son, who would by virtue of his re-enlistment, probably disagree with her protest. Shame on you Cindy for using your son's memory and denying beliefs he died for, just to advance a political agenda.

Tom Hayden is trying to capitalize on the Cindy Sheehan protest when appearing on O'Reilly last week by comparing Iraq to Vietnam. Though the conversation didn't start out on Vietnam Hayden quickly steered it in that direction. When O'Reilly brought up the point that the Communist slaughtered millions of South-east Asians as a result of Hayden et al. protests causing the US to pull out of Vietnam before the job was done, Hayden, at a loss for words, stumbled and stuttered that he didn't appear on O'Reilly's show to talk about that subject. Unfortunately, O'Reilly failed to remind Tom Hayden that he brought up the issue of Vietnam first. Vietnam, like Iraq, is now the rallying cry of the communist left to demoralize American morale and resolve.
Though he, Jane Fonda, et al., never fired a shot they are as responsible for the genocide of millions of southeast Asians that the communists murdered after the Vietnam war as if they called for the murders themselves.
And speaking of the scum receptacle sludge, Jane Fonda, she's once again up to her old antics and preparing an anti-war bus tour throughout the US in the spring. This time around, I don't think the American public will tolerate her bullshit. She might get more than just spit in the face.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Bigfoot is Back

Star Jones is back in PETA's radar because of her stance as an avowed animal hater and fur wearer. In their last campaign against the talk show host PETA compared Star to Bigfoot wearing a fur coat. Apparently that didn't stop her from wearing furs. In light of what they see as her stubbornness, PETAs' new campaign has given her the name ‘Flotilla Barge' citing how many animals had to die to make a coat for her. Though Star has objected to the campaign, PETA says there's nothing she can do about it because she's a public figure. PETA also says they are simply stating the fact she dislikes animals and wears furs.

To quote George Carlin ‘They kill a lot of beautiful animals to make fur coats for some ugly people!

PETA apparently agrees.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Politics of Dancing

The Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against the Presidents Social Security agenda for one reason and one reason only - they want to be the ones to implement the changes. And the person they want to get the credit for this is Hillary Clinton.
Why they would think that Hillary could and should be the one to do it is a mystery. Especially in light of the fact that she's never done anything of merit, either as a senator or first lady, before. She has zero credentials, and even as a NY Senator she's a disappointment. She made a lot of promises to upstate New Yorkers and that region of the country is in worse shape now than before she took office.
The only time she did try to handle a large project, health care reform in '93, it was a disaster because the policies she wanted to enact resembled a soviet health care system. If that's any indication of policies she would enact as President, then we should get rid of our flag and hang a red star in it's place.
As for now it appears the President's Social Security reform is dead in the water. Should he have no luck in getting a bill passed throughout the rest of his term, you can bet your ass that Social Security reform will become a major issue if a Democrat becomes the next President in ‘08.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The End for Terri

I haven't posted to this site since Terri Schiavo was executed. I guess I've been so bummed out about the unbelievable state of affairs in this country that I was too disgusted to write. Once again the left has won a major victory. The left has won the right to murder innocent people in this county. I guess it's only a matter of time before we start killing the elderly or committing infanticide, which some Scandinavian countries have already started doing.
Of course, the autopsy results came back that Terri had severe brain damage from which she would never recover. Then again, the pathologist is a friend of the judge who ordered the death sentence. You can draw your own conclussions from that fact!