Protesting Vietnam All Over Again

Am I mistaken or did Cindy Sheehan's son enlist in the military not once but twice? Why doesn't anyone bring up this fact - and keep bringing up this fact??? Shouldn't that fact be enough to silence the critics of this administration and of President Bush in particular. Because, isn't that really what this protest is all about. It's not a protest against the war but a protest against President Bush. And isn't Cindy Sheehan just using the memory of her dead son, who would by virtue of his re-enlistment, probably disagree with her protest. Shame on you Cindy for using your son's memory and denying beliefs he died for, just to advance a political agenda.
Tom Hayden is trying to capitalize on the Cindy Sheehan protest when appearing on O'Reilly last week by comparing Iraq to Vietnam. Though the conversation didn't start out on Vietnam Hayden quickly steered it in that direction. When O'Reilly brought up the point that the Communist slaughtered millions of South-east Asians as a result of Hayden et al. protests causing the US to pull out of Vietnam before the job was done, Hayden, at a loss for words, stumbled and stuttered that he didn't appear on O'Reilly's show to talk about that subject. Unfortunately, O'Reilly failed to remind Tom Hayden that he brought up the issue of Vietnam first. Vietnam, like Iraq, is now the rallying cry of the communist left to demoralize American morale and resolve.
Though he, Jane Fonda, et al., never fired a shot they are as responsible for the genocide of millions of southeast Asians that the communists murdered after the Vietnam war as if they called for the murders themselves.
And speaking of the scum receptacle sludge, Jane Fonda, she's once again up to her old antics and preparing an anti-war bus tour throughout the US in the spring. This time around, I don't think the American public will tolerate her bullshit. She might get more than just spit in the face.
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