Wednesday, January 02, 2008

News Updates Since Last Posting

It's been some time since I last posted on this site. Lots of news has been happening. As per my last post Lewis 'Scooter' Libby had been convicted for obstruction of justice but his sentence has since been commuted by President Bush. He is expected to be completely pardoned by Bush before he leaves office.

Presently, the presidential primaries are taking place in New Hampshire, Iowa and other states. The three Democratic candidates are Hillary Clinton, Barak Obamma, and John Edwards. They are practically neck and neck, though Hillary has a double digit lead nationally.
Amongst the Republican candidates are Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney. John McCain and Mike Huckabee have come out ahead; Huckabee for the religious right, but has since been losing steam since statements he recently made show that he has no international experience, and has also been shown to be a weak former governor who is somewhat of a political huckster. Funny, Huckabee was a former governor of Arkansas same as Bill Clinton. What is it about that state and political hucksterism???
John McCain has become a surprising front runner in the wake of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, former Pakistan Prime Minister, who returned to Pakistan after eight years of exile to re-run for Prime Minister. Al Qaeda has since taken responsibility for the assassination. Speculation for McCain’s rise in the polls has been attributed to his view on national security and his experience in foreign affairs.
Mitt Romney is neck and neck with Huckabee but between his religion and his flip flopping is not fully trusted by the American people.
For all intent and purposes, and we still aren’t really sure what that is, Rudy Giuliani has been pretty much MIA. Talking heads have been speculating that he’s waiting for the Florida primaries before fully diving in. If that’s the case it’s pretty stupid since that’s a lot of missed opportunities and a giant leap of faith that that’s all he’ll need to win. I’m beginning to wonder if Rudy really wants to become president or is he going to make another excuse to get out of the race as he did to get out of the New York State Senate race against Hillary Clinton. You can say I have a devious mind, but for some reason I don’t trust that Giuliani is 100% for the Republican party and might be part of a conspiracy to get Hillary elected – as he seems to have done for her Senate race.
As usual, there is unrest and bombings throughout the world, but Iraq, which the Democrats had called a quagmire, has turned around considerably since General Petraeus has taken over command of the armed forces and more troops were deployed (the surge) to quell the unrest and deal with the terrorists infiltrators in that country.
There is much, much more that has happened but since I am essentially reporting old news I leave it up to you, the reader, to do your own researching.


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