Politics of Dancing

The Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against the Presidents Social Security agenda for one reason and one reason only - they want to be the ones to implement the changes. And the person they want to get the credit for this is Hillary Clinton.
Why they would think that Hillary could and should be the one to do it is a mystery. Especially in light of the fact that she's never done anything of merit, either as a senator or first lady, before. She has zero credentials, and even as a NY Senator she's a disappointment. She made a lot of promises to upstate New Yorkers and that region of the country is in worse shape now than before she took office.
The only time she did try to handle a large project, health care reform in '93, it was a disaster because the policies she wanted to enact resembled a soviet health care system. If that's any indication of policies she would enact as President, then we should get rid of our flag and hang a red star in it's place.
As for now it appears the President's Social Security reform is dead in the water. Should he have no luck in getting a bill passed throughout the rest of his term, you can bet your ass that Social Security reform will become a major issue if a Democrat becomes the next President in ‘08.