Thursday, March 24, 2005

Desperate Effort for Terri

The case of Terri Shiavo is now making it to the Supreme Court. Federal appeals court ruled against the Schindlers, and the Florida Senate failed to act on legislation passed by the Florida House that would have prevented Terri Schiavo from dying by the withholding of food or water. It seems the Supreme court might be a last ditch effort to save Terri Schiavo's life, but it appears the cards are stacked against the Schindlers.

It's a shame that the state of Florida and the federal courts might become an accessory to a murder that was started years ago by a man who, despite his protestations to the contrary, clearly hates this woman.
Terri's not going to win this case mainly because her parents are from the old school and makes the mistake of believing people are noble. Unfortunately, they're thinking is rooted in the past, when most people were.

Had Terri's parents not accepted Michael's version of events on the faithful night this nightmare began, and demanded a full police investigation at that time, we probably wouldn't be talking about this case now and Michael Shiavo might be behind bars for attempted murder. Unfortunately, their misplaced trust caused them to wait so long that the statute of limitations for attempted murder (4 years) ran out.

Fortunately, there is no statue of limitations for murder. As there is a possibility that his actions might have caused her to be in her present state, which ultimately will lead to her death, the state of Florida should have legal grounds to investigate and, if evidence is found, prosecute. Michael Schiavo might not realize it now but his stubborn insistence to see his wife dead might just open a huge can of worms.
Also, as Michael Schiavo is insistent that he is Terri's husband, than he and not the state of Florida, should be responsible for her medical expenses. The state of Florida should do an audit of his finances to see where the money that was awarded for Terri's medical care went.

I just hope, after this woman has gone to meet her maker, that the state of Florida comes down hard on Michael Schiavo - both criminally and financially!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Screwed Up Priorities

We have a huge problem in this country. Yesterday, a registered sex offender, John Couey, admitted to killing the missing Florida girl, Jessica Lunsford. While all the details weren't released, we can assume she was raped prior to her murder.

Yesterday, an innocent woman, whose husband wants to see her dead, was given a death sentence. A Florida judge ordered the removal of her feeding tube. As a process of that judgement she is also suffering the additional sentence of torture by being slowly starved to death. A barbaric torture reminiscent of Auschwitz. Had starvation been used as a tactic at the Abu Gareb prison we would have never heard the end of it from the left in this country. Yet the left finds this woman's torture and impending death justified.

Today, John Couey sits in a prison surrounded by guards to prevent him from taking his own life. This protection is to make sure that this child rapist murderer has none of his civil rights violated and has recourse to the legal system. It doesn't seem to matter to the left that Terri Schiavo has never had recourse to the legal system. It doesn't seem to matter to them that she never had a lawyer to represent her interest. It doesn't seem to matter to the left that her husband has no written proof that pulling the plug was what his wife wished. To quote the radio talk show host, Bob Grant, "If it ain't in writing, it ain't." Hearsay testimony from her husband, which would have been deemed inadmissable in any criminal or civil court in the country, is used as a tool to prevent her right to due process.

Yet the left in this country will trample all over the rights of this woman and fight for the rights of a man who prays on the most innocent victims of our society. A man so emboldened he entered a home in the middle of the night to fulfill his evil ends.
It doesn't seem to matter that by not protecting Terri Shiavo's rights all our rights are violated. It doesn't seem to matter that anyone could become a victim, as Terri is, on the say so of someone with questionable motives.

Even though Couey admitted that he killed Jessica, the liberal media refuses to use the term admitted and continues to use the term alleged. Just as they use the term alleged for the courthouse rampage killer, Brian Nichols,. It's doesn't seem to matter to them that dozens of people witnessed Brian Nichols murdering his victims. It doesn't seem to matter that Couey admitted his crime and even showed the police where he disposed of Jessica's body. They will continue to use a term they think will save a criminal's life, yet not hesitate to condemn an innocent woman to death. This is absolutely ludicrous. As I am writing this I am listening to the news and I can't believe my ears. A bleeding heart lawyer is already calling the child rapist murderer, Couey, a victim. It seems the insanity has already started.

Yesterday, when the reporter, Shepard Smith of Fox News, ended his broadcast, he made a Freudian slip, and said "the war on children," when he meant to say "the war on terror." He quickly corrected himself, though he was right the first time. There is a war on children in this country and something drastic has to be done to stop it. Crime is out of control in this country and too often children are it's victims.

Pedophiles can't be rehabilitated. The high recidivism rate is proof that pedophiles can't be rehabilitated. They have to be incarcerated for life or permanently eliminated. End of report! How many more children are going to have to die before something is done to stop these monsters once and for all? How long is it going to take for the left to get their priorities straight?

Friday, March 18, 2005

Update: Terri Schiavo

Today, Friday 18, 2005, Terri Shiavo's feeding tube was removed. Before the removal she was given one last meal. Despite the removal her family says they will continue the fight to keep Terri alive.
Hopefully, some miracle will happen to help Terri. All we can do is pray.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Terri Shiavo's Pending Execution

Time is running out for Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman whose husband and some doctors claim is in a vegetative state. She is set to have her feeding tube removed this Friday, March 18, 2005.
Unless last minute legislation is enacted she will endure a slow, painful, and horrible death.

I say painful because last week on tv I saw a case of a woman who came out of a vegetative state after 12 years. According to her she heard every word everyone said around her. She said she felt horrible pain when doctors failed to use enough anesthesia when a feeding tube was inserted into her abdomen. She was in agonizing pain yet unable to let anyone around her know how much she was hurting. When the tube was later removed, in an attempt to end her life, she felt panic at her inability to stop it from happening. She also felt starvation and suffered food delusions, which is something that people in concentration camps have reported feeling when they were starved.

If this woman, who was diagnosed as suffering a full vegetative state, had felt all this, then isn't it possible that Terri Schiavo is feeling the same as well? Why is the left so sure that she can't and isn't? Why won't her husband, Michael Schiavo, concede as much?

Michael Schiavo should have no reason to see his wife dead. Her medical problem hasn't stopped him from going on with his life. He has a common law wife complete with children. Yet he continues to insist that his wife's feeding tube be removed.

He was even offered a million dollars from an anonymous donor on the west coast to drop his crusade to kill his wife. He refused that offer, citing the same old mantra that he is fulfilling his wife's wishes. That's something he never mentioned in his testimony when trying to get 20 million dollars from his wife's malpractice suit.

Could it be that Michael Shiavo has no reason except one - to finish the job? If Terri's dead than she can't talk, and if she can't talk, then he's safe. Is it so beyond the realm of possibility that she might someday talk and implicate him for putting her in that state? He claimed a heart attack brought on by an eating disorder caused her vegetative state, though her family and friends say she had no such disorder. Strangling someone to the point of preventing oxygen to the brain can cause a heart attack and brain damage too. According to statements she made to family and friends she was the wife of an abusive husband. Michael has denied abusing Terri, even though a bone scan conducted in September 1991 shows evidence of trauma and possible physical abuse
A report of this bone scan is at

Hopefully, Terri will get a last minute reprieve. I also think that her family and the Florida justice system should try another tactic with this man. There is enough physical evidence and eyewitnesses to prove that he was abusive to her in the past. As he was the only person with her at the time of her heart attack, there should be enough evidence to charge him with murder if she is forced to starved to death. Because ultimately, if his abuse caused her to be in her present state which later leads to death, then that's murder. Maybe if they tell Michael Schiavo that there will be no escape for him even with her death he might stop his campaign for this final act of violence against this woman..

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Republican Betrayal???

New US bankruptcy law offers loophole for the rich
Mar 2, 2005

The above article is one of many which provides information about legislation to overhaul bankruptcy laws. It is one of many and a simple internet search will provide many more. The Senate passed the bankruptcy overhaul bill by a 74-25 vote. It goes to the House next month and then to President Bush.

My take on this issue-
Regardless of whether the media is right or left the message is the same. This bill sucks and is detrimental to all middle and working class Americans. I voted Republican, but this act that the Republican majority Senate is trying to pass has me seriously questioning whether I made a mistake. It seems to me that the Reps are trying to go back to the days before FDR where people could be imprisoned for unpaid debts or dispossessed from their homes to die on the streets. Banks and credit card companies, have poured millions into lobbying for this bill and the Republicans couldn't roll over fast enough.

Imagine that you have a catastrophic illness and your insurance has paid out to the max and you still owe medical bills. Are ill people going to have the added burden of worrying about whether they're going to have a roof over their heads? Imagine if you are one of the working poor who makes too little to afford health insurance but to much to be eligible for medicaid. What the hell do you do then? 50% of bankruptcies are due to uninsured or uncovered medical expenses. Perhaps the Senate should piggy-back this bill on a medical overhaul bill.

If all you folks with 401's, good medical insurance, a paid off house, etc. think it can't happen to you, check your medical policy. Many, if not most, have a $1,000,000.00 lifetime cap on spending. Just about all of us are only a cancer diagnosis away from losing everything. The point is you can do everything right and still get screwed. I guess we must now become part of a new faith-based health care system. Pray you don't get seriously ill. (Which is now harder due to the changes in the pollution and liability laws.)

How about all the National Guard Troops who had to leave their jobs to fulfill their service, leaving behind a family, mortgage, debts, etc., while making less money? The majority of their families are already shopping at the local food pantries and/or dependent on food stamp and heap(heating) subsidies. Many are forced into bankruptcy each year. Now they will have the added worry and burden of losing everything they've worked so hard for just to protect all of us.

In addition to the above mentioned, this bill will create a permanent underclass by causing inheritances which raises many into a higher economic strata, to disappear.
Another downside, this bill is just in time for the real estate bubble to pop leaving all those proud "home owners" to face the fact that they don't actually own a home - they are renting it from the bank by paying interest only mortgages. It will be a shock to many to find that they can't pay that $500k in debt the bank loaned them. Instead of walking away and leaving Fannie Mae / Freddy Mac with billions of defaulted loans and foreclosed property not worth what they loaned people to pay for it, we'll have people who have to sell their homes at a loss and get on a payment plan for the next 100 years to pay back the mortgage holders. Hopefully their grand kids will eventually end up debt free.

Are we going to create a version of Mexico here with a small wealthy elite and a massive slave class that will never escape their situation, even if they play by all the rules? Given that so many bankruptcies are resultant of medical debt, and the only plans in the pipeline to lower medical costs are trickle down concepts that don't actually help anyone get insured, combined with deep medicaid cuts, I think that the combo pack is an effective elimination of what little is left of the middle class.
I know there are lazy bums who shirk their responsibilities, but the fact is that every time we let huge corporations just walk away from the financial devastation they leave when they lie, cheat and steal, it amounts to a lot more than hundreds of small-time losers. One Enron or Worldcom hurts more people than a city full of deadbeats, yet virtually every top executive at Enron or Worldcom will waltz right into a high paying job while your average individual loser will pay for his irresponsibility many times over in high fees, high interest and exclusion from jobs and education. Martha Stewart is a case in point! Lets put back the banking regulations they took away in the 80's that forced banks to have honest lending practices and prevented things like 35% interest rates! Lets put the responsibility where it belongs. If you send out a gazillion pre-approvals to risky potential borrowers; if you hand out shirts and hockey pucks and little basketballs to anybody who comes along to sign up; if you give loans to college kids who don't have a job yet, you should deal with that risk rather than run to Congress to save you from your own bad loan practices. Plus, its not like 25% interest doesn't have all that business built into it already.

I think this bill, introduced by Santorum (Santorum is the guy who fantasizes publically about having sex with dogs. How does he get re-elected?) and Hatch, (Why is it that every stupid, asinine, or petty policy is ALWAYS backed by Orrin G. Hatch?,) is outrageous and a betrayal by the very people we put in office. I can't believe they can propose this with a straight face while talking about "responsibility", after years of corporate mismanagement scandals and credit card companies that will issue $20,000 in credit over the Internet and just mail out a card to practically anyone. Yet they call consumers irresponsible and negligent

Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, former chairman of the committee, said abuse of the bankruptcy system is "one of the worst things I've seen in my time here."
I beg to differ - one of the worst things I've ever seen in my time is how campaign contributions from credit card lobbyists can propel a bill.

Hatch also said the legislation would send a message to help Americans "become more trustworthy and decent."
Well, here's a message for you Orrin, allowing yourself to be bought by lobbyist is neither trustworthy or decent.

Senator Santorum said on the subject: "A lot of those credit cards charge those higher rates because they have to pay for the cost of people who don't pay their credit card bills, they have to change those rates to make up for the costs."
--[Yep, which is why Household Finance Corporation posted a 15.2% return on shareholder's equity for FY2003, prior to being acquired by HSBC. Those subpremium borrowers are just so doggone unprofitable!]

One day, somewhere, one of these assholes is going to have his/her hand held to the fire, and this vote is going to bite them square in the ass. Whether it's a relative, a friend, or their constituents. They will realize the major mistake they've made. Basic economics tells you it is essential to allow some to forgive debts so they can spend money on goods rather than interest and penalties which do not stimulate growth. Hatch and Santorum would do well to follow this line of reasoning. The Reps might not realize it yet but the passing of this bill might be their death toll as according to the American Bankruptcy Institute the majority of bankruptcies occur in red states:

I urge everyone here to contact your senator and let him know how unhappy you are with a bill that protects modern day robber barons while penalizing everyone else. One thing is for certain- if this bill passes I will never vote Republican again even if it means putting Hillary in office! I am not the only one who thinks this way as there are many people who voted Rep and are as outraged about this bill as I am. Here is an excerpt from a conservative at a forum I frequent:

As if the budget wasn't bad enough, now this. A nice F*CK YOU from Congress. Get sick with a low-paying job with no medical insurance? F*CK YOU! Lose your job and can't find another one? F*CK YOU!
Those fools are turning the place into a damn Banana Republic. Corporations get what they want. Voters get a good "F*CK YOU"! Can't pay your bills? We'll garnish your wages. Need more education? Sorry, we spent money like drunken sailors so there's none left for education. Get sick? Either get better or die. If you need help, you'll owe us for life. The plant has moved to China. It isn't coming back until you start working 16 hr days for $0.16/hr. Need a job in the meantime? We're invading Iran next month. We'll need help.
...but at least two men can't get married. That's what's important. Because we all know Almighty God will smote those who approve of such behavior like he did Sodom and Gomorrah.

Or this...

Bankruptcy saved my life, marriage and family. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

‘I lost my company during the Internet bubble bust and 911 when people stopped hiring consultants. I then had two daughters in the hospital at once. I was no deadbeat. I never missed a payment in my life until everything happened at once. I had 100k+ in the bank. Within a year it was all wiped out and the bills just kept rolling in. I took a test that said I had gone through 6 of the ten most stressful things that can happen to you in a lifetime in under a year. I didn't do anything to "deserve" what happened to me yet I contemplated suicide and my family was being torn apart.
I declared bankruptcy (7) because I had no choice. We had no money coming in at all. Try to get hired as a 45-year-old digital engineer. People will not even hire you to flip burgers. We got to keep our clothes and one old car. My brother in law had to rent a 2-bedroom apartment for us (5 people). I slept on the couch.
Finally my wife got a $10 an hour part time job. Then I got a small consulting gig ($500 a week). If we had to pay off the debt we would have never made it. After the bankruptcy was discharged, we were able to breath again. After 2 more years I got a good job. We are on our way back.
Throughout the 20th century Americas' bankruptcy laws have encouraged people to take chances and build this country. Numerous influential Americas have failed, filed bankruptcy and then created something great. Donald Trump is a typical example.
We are now turning into exactly the kind of country we rebelled against. The autocracy is writing laws to protect the autocracy. You are becoming a slave; you just don't realize it yet.'

People are really steamed about this bill so please contact and complain about it to your senator.Please contact by email, phone or snail mail. Contact Info:

While you're at it you might also want to look into obtaining an asset protection trust of your own. For more information on this subject

For the record Hatch, I'll wait till I'm in my 70's and run up all the cards I can get my hands on having a good old time, then leave the creditors holding the bag when I croak. Sounds like a plan to me!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Dan Blather's Greatest Hits

The Media Research Center has compiled a list of Dan Rather's screwball leftist agenda comments. It's a must read that will have you rolling on the floor laughing your ass off. It's almost as funny as his concept of how he thinks conservative Americans speak but are actually bizarre colloquialisms that insult the intelligence of his audience. This was particulary true on election night. For those who missed that ‘historic' broadcast here are a few of his moronic quotes:

"Well, we said it many times- if a frog had side pockets, he'd carry a handgun"
"This race is as hot and tight as a too-small bathing suit on a too- long car ride home from the beach."
"He swept through the south like a tornado through a trailer park."
"I know that you'd rather walk through a furnace in a gasoline suit than consider the possibility that John Kerry would lose Ohio."
"Are your fingernails beginning to sweat."
"...closer than Timmy and Lassie."
‘Let's hit these biscuits with a dab of gravy."
"Turn the lights down - the party just got wilder."
"No question now that Kerry's rapidly reaching the point where he's got his back to the wall, his shirttails on fire, and the bill collectors at the door."
"His chances are slim right now, and if he doesn't carry Florida, Slim will have left town."
"Sip it, savor it, photostat it, underline it in red, put it in an album, hang it on the wall: George Bush is the next president of the United States."

Mr. Blather's comments that night showed how out of touch he is with the American people or to use a colloquialism he might appreciate: When it comes to understanding Americans, Mr Rather is as lost as a small ball in a tall field of grass!

The quotes of Mr. Rather over the course of his career and collected by the Media Research Center show a clear bias against conservatives that no amount of his denying can dispel. Some examples are:

"The new Republican majority in Congress took a big step today on its legislative agenda to demolish or damage government aid programs, many of them designed to help children and the poor."
— Leading off the March 16, 1995 CBS Evening News.

"Republicans kill the bill to clean up sleazy political fund-raising. The business of dirty campaign money will stay business as usual."
— CBS Evening News, February 26, 1998.

There are many, many more offered at the Media Research site. But the most apropos of Mr. Rather is how he sums up himself, in his own words:

"A Dumb-Ass All My Life"
"Look, we've made mistakes in the past. Somebody wrote in the paper the other day that I was, quote, ‘boneheaded.' Well, of course, it's a matter of record I'm boneheaded, said, ‘well, this is bizarre.' Well, of course I'm bizarre, you know, we've known that for a long time...Somebody, I don't know if he put it exactly this way, but he said, ‘well, you know, it's a dumb-ass thing he's doing.' Well, you know, I've been a dumb-ass all my life."
— On the July 19, 2001 Imus in the Morning discussing the CBS Evening News's near-blackout of the scandal surrounding Democratic Congressman Gary Condit.

Mr. Rather, to that I say ‘Touche'!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Mad Mountain Dean Calls Republicans ‘Evil'

At a recent screamfest Howard Dean said he hated Republicans and thought they were 'evil'. Dean has been putting his foot in it lately, making racist statements about blacks; implying that women are stupid and can't make their own decisions regarding abortion; and now calling Republicans 'evil'. When is this idiot going to learn to keep his big mouth shut.

Also, why is it okay for Dean to call people (in this case his fellow Americans) evil, but it isn't okay for the President to do the same even though the President uses the word in it's proper context - to describe what's really evil - the terrorists? Unfortunately, Dean is too shortsighted to realize that no matter what our political affiliation we are all Americans. Insulting and alienating half of the country is counter productive and won't win anyone to the Democratic side.

Dean's comments are further proof that the Democrats once again have their priorities, morals, and values mixed up and are totally out of touch with ordinary Americans.

So Mad Mountain Dean, your fellow Americans are evil but the terrorists aren't???

Friday, March 04, 2005

Freedom is Spreading

Latest news out of Lebannon - The Syrian backed government has collapsed! After a week of protesting against the murder of their former Prime Minister, the Lebanese people have effected the removal of the present government in that country. In an attempt to appease the Lebanese people Syria now says they will pull their troops out of Lebannon in the months ahead.

In a latest desperate attempt to get out from under the microscope and try to take the heat off against charges that they are backing terrorists organizations wreaking havoc throughout the Middle East, Syria handed Sadam Hussein's brother over to the Iraqi people for prosecution for crimes against humanity.

Unfortunately, this will do little to stop the tide from turning as people throughout the Middle East will start to demand the freedom they see occuring in Iraq.
The tyrants of Syria and Iran must be shaking in their shoes right now. Bush was right - freedom is going to spread, and it's happening must faster than expected!

Just My Opinion

Trying to Keep the House Warm

Oil Prices keep going up, up, up with no immediate relief in sight. I was shocked to find that right now the average price for home fuel is $2.39 a gallon. The cost of fuel prices is driving up the average price of everything else by approximately 6% to 10%. Now that might not seem like a lot but if you factor in that everything you purchase has gone up by that percentage then that puts quite a dent in the pocketbook.
Now I have a theory about why more isn't being done to get prices lower, such as, purchasing from buyers other than OPEC, or being the first in line to buy from Iraq. The President and this administration is not doing more to alleviate Americans burden because they want citizens to get so desperate that the majority will be screaming for companies to start drilling in Alaska. After all, last Christmas Eve a road was bulldozed through Tongas National Forest in Alaska. I'm sure that wasn't done to go bird watching.
You might not agree with me, and might even be upset with me, but after much scrutiny I have sadly come to the conclusion that this is the method they've decided on to achieve their aim.

Martha's Released From Jail

Martha Stewart was release from camp cupcake fleeing like a thief in the night. I'm amazed that the prison authorities participated in her get away. Throughout the night they had cars coming and going from the prison. They kept up this charade until they were sure she was far enough away from the prison before announcing that ‘Martha has left the Prison.' Sort of reminds me of ‘Elvis has left the building!' She couldn't have managed to get out of prison without being detected by the media, without their help. Shame on the Prison Officials for their complicity!
Had it been the ordinary Jane on the street, she would have been shown the door, probably still in her prison orange jumpsuit, to fend for herself. But because it was Martha Stewart, one of the richest woman in the US, she had the prison authorities doing back-flips. Just goes to show that there are different rules for the rich and the poor when it comes to justice.
As an aside, a commentator on CNN said that he thinks in the future Martha will help incarcerated women. They shouldn't hold their breath. Martha's so greedy and selfish that she wouldn't give them the sweat off her ass.

Academy of Whores a.k.a. Bush Bash Fest

Though I didn't watch the program I did see excerpts from it and found the choice of host very representative of the Hollywood elite. A law of physics is that water seeks it's own level. And from the caliber of bums at this gathering, so does everything else!
One late night host said that every time an Hispanic won an award the cameras would immediately scan the audience for Antonio Banderas, Carlos Santana, or Cheech Marin, and he thought that was rather insulting to hispanics. The implication being that those who prided themselves on being liberal minded were labeling people and cataloging one Hispanic with all Hispanics. Then the late night host said, ‘Here, take a look for yourself". A Spanish songwriter won an award and immediately the camera scanned the audience for Antonio, et al. Then another Hispanic won an award and the camera yet again went to work scanning for the usual suspects, then alighted on a group of Mariachi players, a flamenco dancer, a Mexican peasant with a burro at his side, and finally, a taco on a seat. That about sums up the ‘sensitivity of the Hollywood elite. To say it was hilarious was an understatement.

Iran Building Tunnels

Iran is in the process of building tunnels to protect their sneaky bomb making plans.
The people of Iran better act quickly before it's to late. Iran is presently being run by a group of mullahs with the mentality of a suicide bomber. They don't care if they die and actually look forward to martyrdom. After all, in this life these ugly old geezers can't get a woman unless she's sold into marriage to them. In the next life they'll get numerous virgins. (Sorry, lost count - keeps going up with every new martyrdom.) Nor do they care how many innocent people they take with them - Iranian or others. If they get nuclear weapons they will use them and many mullahs have already publicly stated as much. It doesn't matter to them that the launching of their first missile will mean a retaliation that will surely be the end of Iran and her people.
The people of Iran better wake up to this fact and act, as time in this matter is not on their side.